Tuesday, May 5, 2020

American And Nigerian Culture Essay Example For Students

American And Nigerian Culture Essay American and Nigerian CultureAmerican and Nigerian cultures are alike in some aspects of life, whilebeing dissimilar in other aspects. This idea is clearly exemplified when onecompares their own experience and knowledge of culture in America to thatdescription and portrayal of Nigerian culture as seen through Buchi Emechetasnovel, The Wrestling Match. Both of our societies can be looked at as parallel in how teenagers aretypically stereotyped, rivalry among towns/villages, and the attainment ofmanhood or maturity through experiences or accomplishments. Contrary to the similarity of the cultures, there are also some basicdifferences. One of the main distinctions is that we live in a technologicallyadvanced empire while Emecheta shows us that Nigerians are more typically aprimitive nation. No matter in what culture you find teenagers, they will probably bestereotyped. This is evident in the novel as well as in our own culture. Forexample, the Akpei people (neighbors to the nearby Igbuno village) havefound that someone has fished and trampled in their stream. ( This is a verybad thing because the vegetation and fish are now no longer available) The blameimmediately lands upon the Uma aya Biafra, or teenagers of Igbuno. There is noquestion, it is just assumed that teenagers were involved. (Unfortunately, Uche,a teenager from Igbuno, has committed this heinous crime). Also, when the peopleof Akpei find that someone is stealing from their huts, again without anyevidence, they surmise that teenagers are to blame. Lastly, Okeis ( Okei is ateen who lives in Igbuno and is the novels main character) Uncle Obi Agiliga isconvinced that the teenagers of Igbuno are setting an terrible immoral examplefor the upcoming generation. How many teenagers in our society have not had an immediate finger ofblame pointed at them when something happens or goes wrong? How many of us havenot been told what a terrible example we are setting for our younger siblings?Teenagers seem to be synonymous with rude, obnoxious, and difficult, stubborn,etc. Another similarity of cultures gleaned from Emechetas writing isreaction to rivalry. A very important event to the villages in the novel wasthe wrestling match which pits the Akpei Uma aya Biafra against the Igbuno Umaaya Baifra. There is much preparation of the athletes and many people attend. In addition, at the market, the Akpei people would not purchase produce fromJosephine Kwutelu and other girls also from Igbuno since they are from thecompetitors side. A similar event we have right here in the Pennridge Community is theannual Pennridge -Quakertown Football game. It generates quite a rivalry, muchtime is spent in preparation and many many people attend. Finally, in both Nigerian and American cultures, it is perceived thatmanhood is dependent upon certain achievements. The wrestling match symbolizesthe coming into manhood of the Nigerian teenager. Also, working on the farm withyour father in Nigeria is another step toward manhood. In America, a job, the right to vote, graduation from high school, andeven owning or driving a car seem to be thought of as indications of manhood ormaturity. Though our cultures seem alike in the above ways, they are verydifferent in their technological status. We in America enjoy computers, modems,faxes,video equipment, cellular phones, huge supermarkets, and discount stores,etc. These are not restricted only to city dwellers or the upper class, many ofthese things are commonplace. In Nigeria however, the bulk of the populationlives a much more primitive lifestyle without the advantages,privileges, andbenefits that these modern conveniences provide. ( Of course, they also do nothave the problems generated by these modern wonders).

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