Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Alcoholism As A Family Disease - 1368 Words

It is estimated that the number of adults, in the United States, who abuse alcohol or are alcohol dependent is approximates 17.6 million, or 8.46 percent of adults (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2015). These statistics present a primary health concern (Hart Kisr, 2013). Still yet, an additional concern is warranted because of the family influences on the development of problems with alcohol and the risk for family members developing alcoholism—and other mental or behavioral issues (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2005). Evidence points to problems with alcohol that are associated with various family factors, such as spousal and parental use, use by children, family principles and attitudes about alcohol consumption, dynamics of family and patterns of relationship, and interplay of alcohol with biological and genetic factors (NIAAA, 2005). Alcoholism is considered a family disease all members are affected, thus, those who are co ncerned the most about the alcoholic are affected the most (Al-Anon Family Group, 2008). For this reason, Al-Anon offers peer support in an environment of hope, strength and offers experience in managing an alcoholic loved one (Al-Anon Family Group, 2008). This paper presents a brief history of the Al-Anon self-help recovery program for anyone affected by an alcoholic or alcohol abuser, how the meetings are organized, and the experiential observation of two different meeting in the greater area ofShow MoreRelatedAlcoholism : Alcoholism And Drug Dependence1054 Words   |  5 PagesAlcoholism is a problem affecting millions of families around the world. Based on the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Inc., Alcoholism is considered a family disease due to the amount of stress that family members go through (NCADD, 2016). 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